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Osteo-arthritis patients are more likely to be sedentary and inactive on days when morning catastrophizing is above normal, according to a study published in PAIN.

Why It Matters

Movement and physical activity are recommended pain management strategies for osteo-arthritis patients, but catastrophizing may be a powerful barrier, causing feelings of hopelessness to prevent a patient from initiating healthy movement or physical activity. Providing a patient with behavior change strategies to overcome catastrophizing could significantly increase a patient’s self efficacy for pain management. Further research on catastrophizing and effective behavior change strategies could yield benefits for individuals suffering not only from osteo-arthritis, but from a range of conditions that may be managed with movement and physical activity.

Providing A patient with behavior change strategies to overcome catastrophizing could significantly increase the patient’s self efficacy for pain management.

Key Definition to Know

Catastrophize – to exaggerate the negative consequences of events or decisions. (from the American Psychological Association)